You don't need any overhead, you don't need any websites, you don't need any of that.
Now at the end of these five websites I'm going to actually show you a great website that's going to help you.
So you just take your link then you promote it and you get a percentage on that.
Stick around at the end I'll show you my very cool way to have other people promote your link for you.
1- The first one is going to be peerfly (Search on google « peerfly ») (Cost Per Action offers)
Peerfly is a cost per action website and it's been around for a long time. I've used them for a long time and they're really great because a lot of the offers are zip submit or email submit.
So you can actually get paid just by promoting your link and you can get paid like $2 or $3 dollars every time somebody just puts in their email.
So they don't have to pull out a credit card or anything like that.
Peer fly is a really good network for zip submits and email submits. That's very easy to get people to enter in their email in to some of these offers.
Two or three dollars doesn't seem like a lot but when you get 100 of emails every day that really adds up, you can start making some serious income with that.
2- The next one is Clickbank (Search on google « Clickbank Affiliate marketing »)
The reason I like Clickbank offers is because it's more diversified.
CLIBANK WEBSITE screen capture
A lot of different niches that are very specific things.
With Clickbank you're just gonna have a unique link that they're gonna give to you when you sign up. And once you sign up you take that link and you go out promote it to those particular audiences.
Once you find those niche audiences then you're going to get a percentage on the profits when somebody clicks the link and goes to the page to buy the product.
All you have to do is go in the marketplace and you can just click on any of these offers.
3- The next one has been cashnetwork. (Search on google « cash network affiliate»)
IMAGE : CASHENETWORK screen capture
I've been using them for a while now and the reason why I like cash networks because it's more entrepreneurs and people that
are interested in making money online, people that are interested in just really kind of improving their lives with making a little side income.
So that's why I like cash Network it's similar to Peerfly which is a CPA network and you just sign up as an affiliate and once you get signed up to them they're gonna give you a unique link.
Remember there's no overhead here with any of this. You don't have to have products and services. You just get your unique link and you promote it to the right audience.
IMAGE : AUDIENCE from Pixabay
So with cash network you would look for entrepreneurs, you look for people that are interested in making more money or people that are
interested in making an extra side income get your link in front of them and you will start to see really good success with this network.
4- The next one I like is a Market Health.(Search on google « Market Health Affiliate Program»)
I really like this one because I like to promote health and wellness products and there's such a huge market for theirs.
There's tons and tons of buyers out there that are looking for ways to improve their weight loss or lose weight or look better and things like that.
IMAGE : LOOK BETTER from Pixabay
So market health is going to be specific for health and like nutrition so that's why I like market health it's the same concept as Peerfly, Cashnetwork but it's very specific to health and wellness products.
The same thing you're going to get is a unique link with health.
YOUR TASK : you put the product in front of the right audience (I mean people that are interested in losing weight or people that are looking to lose weight or people that are looking to improve their lifestyle…)
Now the great thing about market health is that there's a very good network to market to women out there. If you can find a huge big network of women who are interested in health and beauty which all women are get your link in front of that group of audience of women and you will see your sales go crazy.
5- The last one is going to be warrior plus. (Search on google « Affiliate Offers WarriorPlus»)
I love these products these because there are going to be teaching people how to make money online.
All you have to do is come in to affiliates and you go to offers and all you have to do is just click on request to get a special link then you go out there and you just start promoting any of these offers.
That was my Top 5 Websites to start making money online.
Good luck!!!
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