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People always talk about the easy ways to make money.
Like “Oh yes, you’re gonna make 10k/month with my crazy Dropshipping/Affiliate Marketing thing.
Really? Then why are there so many people who fail every day, why is there 35k people who die every day of anger, or why only 10% of the world owns 90% of the wealth?
It’s not these garbage advice that is going to help you make money, or become super wealthy on the long-term. I say long-term because you’re probably going to live until 110 years old, and using an “easy trick to make tons of money” won’t help you to achieve that.
There are 2 things that are going to give you money, you and how you invest your money.
By you, I mean the person you are, your attitude, mindset, knowledge, self-awareness, kindness, self-discipline, work, patience. All these things are super useful and you can’t achieve anything big without them.
The first advice I’d suggest you do from my own experience is to work on your mindset.
Be honest with yourself and understand who you think you are. You need to make your brain unbreakable, you need to believe in what you want to achieve and get.
Your world represents your mind. So if you have a life that you hate, with loser friends and a very low income, this is your actual mindset.
But the good thing is that you can improve it over time.
Yes, nothing is going to happen overnight like most people are selling it to you. It takes time, effort and talent if you want to become the best.
The second advice to do will be to taste as many things as you can for at least 6 months each.
Why? Because most people always try new things for 2 weeks and give up when the first challenge comes to them.
You have to feel everything an idea you’d like to try has. Go out and ask to work for free or for what fits someone. Try things, go deep in it to truly know if this is what you want to do for the rest of your life - since your work represents half of your entire life.
Make a list today of everything you may want to do, and go do them until you’re sure about what’s really made for you.
Don’t listen to what people may say, don’t care about your age and what people should be doing at this age. You need to find out what you love because you only live once and doing something you hate is the worth thing to do.
The third advice you have to do is to genuinely love what you do because you’ll have to do it every day.
Being at the top, or making a lot of money is totally possible.
It’s easy to win when you’re good enough, patient and works hard every day. Not just once a week, or when you feel inspired to do it. You’ll have to do it no matter if you feel good or bad.
Because when you won’t be doing it, someone else hungrier than you will outwork you and take your seat.
Plus it’s always nice to work all the time on what you truly love! It helps you keep going and learning, and people instantly see it when you’re passionate about something.
The fourth advice will be to keep learning and never stop doing what you’re afraid of.
This is something very critical for your success because life moves and evolves all the time. If you don’t keep yourself updated with what’s going on in your industry, you’ll stay at the top.
Because what most people don’t understand, and this is why you have a real chance of succeeding in the long-term if you do that, is that they settle down at some point in their life.
They have a title, a salary and they stop seeking improvements. They think they did it and that they have the ultimate knowledge. Which is totally wrong.
Having this attitude is the quickest way to directly go back to the bottom.
Never stop learning.
Also, never stop doing what you’re afraid of because it helps you stay hungry and strong when things don’t go well.
I mean, what’s being rejected 500 times in a row after a 1-year trip around the world in solo? Nothing!
Even being rejected 500 times make you numb of it. You don’t feel destroyed or lost when someone criticizes you or say no to you after 500 rejections.
You become unbreakable.
And finally, the fifth and last advice I’d like to give you is to be persistent. Never ever give up.
Most people will give up on their dreams because of their parents, friends, colleagues, society, or perfect strangers who leave a mean comment on their Instagram.
Don’t give up.
If you genuinely want to achieve your dreams, even the craziest, just do it. Don’t listen to people who don’t support you, or who didn’t achieve what you want to achieve.
Don’t give up on something because you failed once, or someone told you that it wasn’t possible for you.
For example, it took me over 200 applications (all of them were written especially for the desired company) and only 1 said yes.
Imagine if I gave up after only 100 failures, I wouldn’t be doing what I love every day.
It’s always easier to play the victim and complain while watching Netflix every night. It’s way more difficult to become the hero of your life by working harder than others and following your own heart.
I didn’t really tell you how to make $2k/month because you shouldn’t stay focused on that.
When you’re good enough, and apply all of these things, you’ll make so much more than $2k/month, believe me.
Don’t play the short-term or do easy tricks to make money because it doesn’t exist.
Play on the long-term, do what makes you happy and become proud of yourself.


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